Главная » Планшеты Microsoft » Microsoft Surface Pro 256Gb
Microsoft Surface Pro 256Gb
— экран 10.6"
— 1920x1080
— емкостный
— мультитач
— Windows 8
— встроенная память 256 Гб
— microSDXC
— Wi-Fi
— Bluetooth
— гироскоп
— две фотокамеры
— USB Type A
— вес 907 г
— артикул 19104

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Подробный обзор Microsoft Surface Pro 2 на русском языке.
О чем пойдёт речь:
- внешний вид и материалы
- время автономной работы
- процессор,
- экран
- клавиатура,
- особенности работы windows 8.1
- и многое другое

[BUY] "Microsoft Surface Pro 3 8GB/256GB" | Secrets about "Microsoft Surface Pro 3 8GB/256GB"
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The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablet is absolutely amazing in what it can do, and I'd say this is hands-down the BEST tablet and computer that money can buy. Do check out my other Surface Pro 3 videos on YouTube to learn more about this device! Enjoy. this video.
Quick pros and cons from my time with the Surface Pro 3:
You can get Microsoft Surface Pro 3 8GB/256GB for $ 1309.99
1. It's REALLY slim and portable.
2. I LOVE the larger screen size. So roomy, yet doesn't feel too big or bulky.
3. The battery life is amazing. I've not counted the hours - but I use it as I would any other tablet and I've never noticed my battery die on me.
1. My Surface Pro 3 does go into a "deep sleep" mode (hibernate, perhaps?) when not in use overnight or for a while. When this happens, it takes a few seconds to start up vs the instant on when it just goes to sleep. I'd expect a true tablet replacement to have instant on/off capabilities.
2. The beautify of the Surface Pro 3 is that it can run heavy duty software. But if doing anything that's processor heavy, the top right corner of the Surface does get hot to the touch. I've noticed this especially when playing graphics intensive games
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Think back to the first time you ever heard of buy surface pro 3. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of buy surface pro 3. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, its influence on western cinema has not been given proper recognition. It still has the power to shock the upper echelons of progressive service sector organisations, obviously. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve
[BUY] "Microsoft Surface Pro 3 8GB/256GB" | Secrets about "Microsoft Surface Pro 3 8GB/256GB"
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - третье поколение планшетов Surface Pro, выпущенное компанией Microsoft. Все модификации представлены в интернет-магазине ReaderONE:
Обновленная модель получила оптимальные дизайн, эргономику и систему охлаждения. Откидная подставка на задней панели стала более устойчивой, к тому же угол ее наклона теперь вариьируется от 22 до 150 градусов.
Внесенные технические изменения затрагивают также экран (который получил дисплей и разрешение большего размера), программное обеспечение, динамики и камеры, производительность и даже стилус.
Подробнее о Microsoft Surface Pro 3 в видео обзоре или на нашем сайте:
Review of the Microsoft Surface Pro 3, Core i5 256GB model.
I like the improved kickstand, and slimmed design over the Surface Pro 2. Quality on the materials is definitely better than that of the Dell Venue 11 Pro.
Battery life seems very good, and heat on the i5 with extended use is manageable.
The dock with the single use port for replication is a step in the right direction, and allows the use of the open ports.
Kickstand feels like you're going to break if when you open it past the normal positions, but it hangs in there.
My biggest detractor is that when this unit were to fail (We had a Surface Pro fail two weeks ago), there is no way for the consumer to service the unit. Even our third party service center could not source the logic board from Microsoft :
The Core i5, and 8GB ram will make this a good powerhouse for the user that is replacing his laptop with it.
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Camera(s): Canon HF R500,
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 12
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WARNING: This is a 30 minute video, if you just want to get to the gaming fast forward :P
I'm unboxing and reviewing the Microsoft Surface Pro 2 256gb in this video along with the type cover 2 which is a "MUST HAVE" if you purchase this device. During this video I show you the contents of the box, powering up the surface, configuring the surface and installing apps like Steam, Adobe Photoshop CC and we play some Counter Strike Source with the XBOX 360 controller. I really love this tablet and find it to be the complete tablet/laptop/desktop experience in a tablet form factor that you can currently get. I really enjoy having such a compact device that I can literally use in any configuration anywhere to get my job done and to play games.
Microsoft Surface Pro 2 Specifications
TYPE Tablet
SCREEN SIZE 10.6 inches
BUNDLED OS Windows 8.1
DIMENSIONS 10.81 x 6.81 x 0.53 in
RELEASED October 22, 2013 This show is an independent production of Jerry Berg (aka Barnacules). Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer, friends, or any companies mentioned in the show.
Просмотров: 112240
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Общая оценка Microsoft Surface Pro 256Gb на Vizitov.ru: 2 из 5 на основании 98 голосов.

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Секреты Microsoft Surface Pro 256Gb

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Vizitov.ru Планшеты Microsoft Microsoft Surface Pro 256Gb